The Role Of Change Management In Health And Social Care

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My practice placement was situated in a Primary Care Liaison Team within a community mental health setting. This is a multi-disciplinary team which links with General Practitioner surgeries, inpatient and day treatment services. The team aims to provide a responsive service that assesses, treats and co-ordinates care in the recovery of adults with enduring mental health problems (NHS trust, 2005) who have potential to improve their quality of life. This team is part of four community mental health teams (CMHT) within its Primary Care Trust (PCT), one of the six PCTs within the counties NHS trust, which provides all mental health and learning disability services within this area (NHS trust web) For the purpose of this report, change management is the main theme relating to the setting. This will relate to a strategy developed by the NHS trust in question, to develop it service provision. Other related themes include resource management and teams. Organisational Change Throughout history many changes to our health and social services has taken place, largely influenced by external factors such as political and philosophical issues (OPM 2003). Change can affect all aspects of procedure and performance within the organisation (Mullins 2005). Mullins (2005) considers change to be important in facilitating organisational development, improving overall performance and effectiveness of an organisation. However, it is clear to identify the implementation of change in the NHS does not always improve overall performance, sometimes it seems purely for resource effectiveness.
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