Understanding Innovation and Change in an Organisation

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Assignment 2 – Understanding Innovation and Change in an Organisation AC1.1 Explain the benefits of innovation and change for the organisation Change and Innovation are as equally important in creating and sustaining the growth of a business through organisational development. If planned and implemented well both could lead to a total change not just for the profit success of the organisation but can also have a positive impact on employee engagement. Innovation in the workplace fostered by teamwork and employee involvement in decision-making and reengineering business processes can boost morale and award incentives such as bonus payments. The purpose of organisational development is to enable an organization to better respond and adapt to industry/market changes and technological advances. The absence of both innovation and change in an organisations development can be the difference between being a leader in their field of business, failure to keep up with competitors, create stagnation or cause decline in their existing success. Innovation is about forward thinking and can be defined as making changes to something already established by introducing something new. Ideas for making change do not have to be complicated and processes do not have to be reinvented. Sometimes small ideas can have a big change when implemented correctly. Identifying where change needs to be made is not always obvious in an organisation. Simply challenging the ‘status quo’ or ‘it’s the way we’ve always done it’ can lead to new ideas and ways of ‘thinking outside the box’ that benefit the company. AC1.2 Identify the barriers to change and innovation in the organisation There can be multiple barriers when trying to implement change. The organisation may know they need to make changes but lack of planning or lack of agility can stop progression. Employees and Managers play a
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