The Pursuit of Perfect

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The Pursuit of Perfect by Tal Ben-Shahar


The Pursuit of Perfect by Tal Ben-Shahar is a book that can benefit all of us, even if we feel content with our lives, there is always room for improvement. In the beginning of the book, the author starts off by talking about Perfectionism and how most of us seek it because we believe it is the only way we will gain happiness. He provides several examples of how this can affect us and how we can approach the Optimalistic mind-set by embracing the obstacles that we may face in life and move forward. He explains that perfectionism can affect our relationship with others and ourselves. Towards the end of the chapter he provides strategies and exercises that we can practice and use in order to change our Perfectionism ways.

The Pursuit of Perfect by Tal Ben-Shahar

Are you constantly trying to keep up with your busy and sometimes stressful life while at the same time striving for happiness? We all want a perfect life but in reality and as most of us know, there is no such thing. We work so hard on something and we sometimes get let down and we often feel like a failure. In the Pursuit of Perfect by Tal Ben-Shahar, he sheds some light into the possibility of obtaining a happy life even with the struggles and challenges that may come our way. It is how we tackle these obstacles and avoid being a perfectionist and adopting an Optimalistic approach. Tal Ben-Shahar provides a step-by-step process to conquer the fear of failure and by taking these tools we learn and apply them to our love life and our lives in general.

Failure is a word that most of us don’t want to hear or even experience. We do everything we can to steer away from failing by putting a ton of pressure on ourselves, creating intense anxiety and ultimately being unhappy.

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