The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

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The Pros and Cons of Home Schooling The Pros and Cons of Home Schooling “There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” - Mahatma Gandhi. Home schooling has been around for a long time. “It started in the 350s B.C; it is believed that Alexander the Great is the first known case of homeschooled child” as mentioned on the Homeschool World website, The History of Homeschooling. Parents were responsible for teaching their children the basic lessons, starting with the house chores all the way to teaching kids how to read and write. Even Abraham Lincoln was believed to be home schooled for about 18 months around 1830s also from the article The History of Homeschooling. Nowadays, parents debate on that option more often, since all the violence that has been happening in schools and also there are a lot of religious conflicts that forces parents to homeschool their children. The methods of Home schooling are very contradictory. In Illinois for example, kids are not obligated to take a test to check their Home School progress as it is stated at the Illinois State Board of Education. Therefore, it is completely up to the parents to make sure that their children are on the same level as the traditional school ones are. That can have a good and a bad impact on those kids. If they are doing everything, and studying their curriculum correctly, that means that this child is a self-starter and they will survive the job market later on. Now if the parents are not encouraging their kids to learn, and to study, that kid will have a difficult time when they have to survive on their own. Parents often question themselves about the credibility of the Home School education, and also about a system or a support group for them. Here are a few examples of that support that they need. There are websites like the Illinois

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