The Negative Influence Of Books In One Book, One Chicago

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Throughout history, there have been many different forms of entertainment. While television, video games, and computers are more recent additions to society’s ways of occupying themselves, books have been around for decades. From papyrus scrolls to leather bound books, these convenient documents have been transported readers to new lands, provided information, and induced all sorts of emotions ever since man could write. Books, being versatile and portable, have been read by billions of people all over the world. Various authors have written on various subjects, leading to an extremely large amount of information that can be easily accessed by anyone at anytime. Like video games and television, books can influence people in many different…show more content…
It began with To Kill a Mockingbird because the council believed that it would help many people to view segregation in a different light (Daley 2001) To Kill a Mockingbird is narrated by a young girl named Scout Finch. She is at the age where she still has imaginary adventures with her big brother, Jem, and her friends. When her father, a lawyer named Atticus, begins a trial with a black man, she can’t understand what people have against him. In one line Jem says, “If there’s one kind of folks, why can’t they just get along with each other? If they’re all alike why do they go out of the way just to despise each other?” (Daley 2001) (Lee 1960) The purpose of “One Book, One Chicago” was to help people understand exactly what Jem said, “If everyone’s alike, why can’t they just get along?” Many stories appeared of people sitting on buses or in parks that just started a conversation with their neighbor because they saw that they were also reading the book. It became so successful, that they continued it every year afterwards, twice a year (Daley
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