The Natural Beauty Myth Analysis

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In today’s world everyone is stuck on body image. Why are we as people so obsessed on our body image? In my paper I will describe how body image affects me, and how it affects me as a person. In the articles main idea written by Garance Franke-Ruta. She explains her views on how we define natural beauty as people. She writes how anyone can have natural beauty with enough discipline in their life. I believe we all have different and unique beauty within ourselves and that’s what makes us the people we are. I believe that natural beauty is something we can all have. It is about being true to yourself and taking the next right steps to achieve what you believe is natural beauty. Beauty is something we strive for as people every day. Whether it’s…show more content…
She writes on how you can have your own natural beauty in your own way. Being perfect is not beauty. It is how you are as a person and how you look at life. Beauty is skin deep not just how we look, and how we dress or what kind of music we listen to. Beauty can be achieved with enough discipline and self-devotion. It’s really about being…show more content…
Where I live there is no cell phone service or a house with a family right next door. Its country living and living in the country is another key to what affects my body image. Me in my area we are used to jeans and hoodie or a winter coat. We dress warm and comfortable. Unlike city living is somewhat the same in some parts of the country but for most are nothing like where I live. When I go out to have a nice night out I don’t dress in high heel shoes and a mini dress. I dress nice but in a warm confortable way. It’s obviously weird how environment affects me and how I show myself as a person. People would defiantly call me country. Most people make labels for everyone but I am a mix of everything. Where I live defiantly affects who i am and my body image as a person

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