The Most Effective Means of Protest

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“What is the most effective means of protest?” From the perspective of today, one can easily imagine that violence is the most effective means of protest. Some people consider violence the most effective means of protest because they believe that it destroys the issue immediately. Others believe persuasion is the most effective means of protest, believing it is the only means that introduces a true change of character. Although, I have learned that in life actions have consequences. I consider myself a conservative and I believe the most effective means of protest is non-violent direct action. Non-violence is an extremely effective form of protest because people can get the rights and authority that they fight for from the hostile class, government, or country without using the means of protest violence. Non-violence is a philosophy and strategy for social change that rejects the use of violence. According to Socrates in Plato’s Crito persuasion is the most effective means of protest. He says that persuasion is not like other means of protest. He states, "All other actions threaten the existence of law and order." Persuasion is more a way of reasoning rather than a way of force like any other means of protest. He says that persuasion is more civilized and reasonable instead of being physical and violent. Sometimes being physical and violent does not resolve an issue. Hence why he believes persuasion is much more effective. For Socrates, finding the truth through reasoning is a just manner. Socrates speaks with Crito about that even if someone does evil you, you must not do evil back to him or her. If you do evil to another you are injuring them. Injuring another person is an unjust thing to do. This would cause chaos to break out and possibly lead the state to fall. Direct action is the strategic use of non-violent tactics and methods to bring an opponent or

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