Deontology Versus Utilitarianism

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Deontology versus Utilitarianism There are many ethological theories that have helped shape the thinking of today. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was one of the best well-known German philosophers who basically created the theory known as Deontology. His theory is based on rules (maxims) and is also known as categorical imperative. Kant’s theory about the rational individual who is the forefront for moral law has been defined and interpreted in many different ways by many different philosophers (Bourke, 1951). Oddly enough, with this theory, it is prohibited to tell lies or commit suicide because that is morally wrong within itself and does not support the universal good of a rational decision, but if people acted in line with their duty to the universal law of their society, the results were of no consequence (Butts & Rich, 2008, Chapter 1). Kant stated that a person should act without emotion and with a complete sense of duty to serve the morally universal law of society and that the intention is of more importance than the result – consequences of the actions do not matter (Jasper, 1962). The theory of deontology follows this thought by setting demands that humans act at all times as though their actions would be universally accepted into an overall rule for society. He believed that duty and law are always one unit and cannot be separated and that with this duty to law, we shape our world. My criticism of this theory is that thought processes without emotions make our decisions too concrete. When we treat people in the medical field, we cannot say it is a rule that everyone must received a blood transfusion if they are below a set number because we are not thinking about the consequences of the person we are treating. Some religions believe that blood transfusions are toxic to their being and would never want to receive a transfusion, so I believe that
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