The Model Of Parenting Kipling Suggests In His Sto

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The model of parenting Kipling suggests in his story Baa Baa Black Sheep The story Baa Baa Black Sheep is written by the famous English writer Rudyard Kipling. It is somewhat autobiogarphical and can be traced in Kipling’s autobiographical work Something of Myself (Kipling, 1990). This story describes Kipling’s unhappy life in Southsea when he was 6 years old. Punch (Kipling‘s little protagonist), is born in Bombay, but is sent home with his younger sister to live with a foster-family in England, while their parents return to India. Punch is badly treated by his foster mother Aunty Rosa. After 6 years, he and his sister are removed by their mother from the foster family. Kipling describes different attitudes and methods towards raising children in this story, such as his parents, Aunty Rosa and Indian servants. Next, this essay aims to explore the models of parenting Kipling suggests in the short story Baa Baa Black Sheep, based on the theories of parenting. Before discussing the models of parenting that are suggested in the novel, the background knowledge of models of parenting is introduced. It is widely accepted that there are four primary styles of parenting. Baumrind (1991) initially identified the three main parenting styles of authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting and permissive parenting which Maccoby & Martin (1983) subsequently expanded to authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent and neglectful parenting. Aunty Rosa is a typical example of authoritative parents. According to Maccoby & Martin (1983), Authoritarian Parents have a demanding and directive parenting style with a high level of control within a structured environment that is regulated by clear rules. In authoritarian families, parents are not responsive and expect instructions to be

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