The Many Faces Of Drug Addiction

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The Many Faces of Drug Addiction Why do drugs affect people in different ways? Why do some people seem to be able to handle their drug use while others cannot? Are certain people destined to be drug addicts? Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive seeking and use of a drug although the harmful effects could be devastating. Drug addiction affects the lives of almost everyone in one way or another, there are many different things that can result in a person using drugs and eventually becoming an addict. A variety of different things in a person’s life can cause them to start using drugs; there is not just one specific reason. Some people may have an addictive personality while others just cannot cope with the everyday stress of life. Whatever the reason for beginning to use drugs is, the outcome many times is the same, becoming addicted. Nobody wants to become a drug addict, but many people want to feel better than they do. Circumstantial or situational drug use is when drugs are used in social settings; this is the number one way that people begin using drugs. This is also known as peer pressure. Most people do not like to be the odd-man-out, so, when everyone else is doing drugs it is hard for some to say “no.” People are curious beings, and in this type of setting, trying a drug seems like no big deal. “Why not, everyone else is doing it!” This recreational drug use does not always produce addicts, some people seem to be able to stay at this level and not become addicted. If a person is lucky this will be the extent of his or her drug use. They will be able to stay sober for significant periods of time in between using and will not experience withdrawal symptoms or cravings during these times. For many though, this level of drug abuse becomes the first step to becoming an addict, and for numerous addicts

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