Com 156 Addictions Research Paper

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Addictions COM/156 Addictions Something that is unfortunate is over the counter street drugs, and alcohol have in common is they are all addictive substances. They are all addictive to individuals that have possible psychological problems, sociological problems, or even family issues. Addiction is something that just does not affect the person using, it affects everyone around them. From the family living the addiction with them to the friends that…show more content…
These drugs can have local and systemic harmful effects. " (Saini, G., Gupta, N., & Prabhat, K. 2013) People that use street drugs, or over the counter medications, or even alcohol all have a higher rate of people stigmatizing them. Versus people that potentially have a mental illness. The reason for this stigmatize is that people do not view addiction as a medical problem, more of an issue that people can control. Were being an addict and having a mental illness both full under a medical problem. The reason being is that an addict is going to need help to be able to kick their addiction. The biggest issue to look at is that surveys show that some people are ashamed to admit that they know someone in their family that has an addiction problem. And if you are ashamed or scared to admit the problem then maybe this paper will help with that shame. Because if you are ashamed to admit the problem then the person can not get the help they need. Drugs have been around for centuries but started really being publicized in the 1960's. Kids today though are exposed to drugs earlier and earlier then ever before because they are appearing in schools now as young as an elementary

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