The Many Accomplishments of Helen Keller

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The Many Accomplishments of Helen Keller Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880. By the time she was nineteen months old she was deaf and blind. Even with her disadvantages, she was one of the most influential people of her time. Through all her obstacles and setbacks she still managed to become a name that will ring through our ears time and time again. In this paper, I will detail some key factors of her life and comment on some of her most famous accomplishments. Keller was always a bright child, “the famous moment at the Keller family water pump when six-year-old Helen recognized the substance she was touching - both by spelling the word into her teacher’s hand and haltingly uttering ‘waa-waa” (Hermann). In this quote we can see that even at a young age Helen was able to identify what she was feeling, water, and communicate her findings to her teacher. This theme of knowledge that exceeds limitations is one that is commonly found when reading about the life Keller lived. Helen’s teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, was one of the most influential role models in her life. She had a big impact on her and helped her exceed far beyond what many thought she would be able to accomplish, “she was, in her own words ‘rescued’ from a life of isolation and silence by her teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan” (Hermann). This quote portrays how she helped Helen reach her full potential through all the obstacles she’s faced throughout life. Many people credit a lot of what Helen was able to accomplish as something she wouldn’t be able to do without Sullivan. We’ve seen the intelligence Keller demonstrated as a child. This intelligence, however, showed even more apparently as a young teenager. At age sixteen she took a placement test for Radcliffe college and scored well above average, “when she was 16 she underwent the Harvard examination for admission to Radcliffe College.

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