The Language of Global Brands

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tBUCHAREST UNIVERSITY DEPARTAMENT – UNESCO CHAIR FOR INTERCULTURAL AND INTERRELIGIOUS EXCHANGES MA Programme Intercultural Management Master of Arts Thesis The Language of Global Brands: A Platform for Intercultural Management? Author: Enache Andreea Scientific Coordinator: PhD. Mihai Korka Bucureşti June 2007 Summary Argument / 3 What’s in a Brand? / 4 Brand construction and brand essence / 7 Best Global Brands 2006: a short presentation / 9 Key messages and founding values for most successful global brands: a content analysis / 14 Best 30 Global Brands content analysis / 32 Global Brands: USA, EU, Japan and the rest of the world / 43 Conclusions / 51 Consulted bibliography / 52 2 Argument “Brands and branding are the most significant gifts that commerce has ever made to popular culture. Branding has moved so far beyond its commercial origins that its impact is virtually immensurable in social and cultural terms.” Wally Olins, On Brand All we see in contemporary business world is more or less about finding a common language. Unless able to manage a minimally uniform system of communication, people as well as businesses cannot perform. This is how my preoccupation with the theme of intercultural management in global brand management came up. Marketing will very soon equal global marketing or, at least, international marketing. Addressing diverse, heterogeneous, and, not rarely, even contrasting publics, that are geographically and culturally dispersed, will stand out very soon as top priority of marketing and branding strategy in every mature business. Given this context, I proposed myself to answer a seemingly very simple question: What makes the success of global brands? What are those “magic” ingredients that make them appealing to such diverse publics? What is the key to opening the hearts of

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