The influence of French in the Middle English period

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The influence of French in the Middle English period This essay is going to explore the specific influential effects that the French had on Middle English grammar, morphology, syntax, phonology and orthography during the Middle English period, roughly during 1066-1470. It is also going to mention historical events, and slightly touch on attitudes and values at the time regarding the status of the French language and through illustrative quotes from 'The Nun's Priest Tale' to help give a better understanding of the significance that French had in shaping the English language. There will be several examples for each area of study. The historical event which really underpinned the changes and interspersing of the French language with the English started to take place at the end of the Old English period, now commonly known as the Norman Conquest (1066) Consequential to this, one noticeable effect to the English language was the appointment of new nobility. These changes saw the result of the majority of upper class in England being replaced by Normans. French then became the dominant language at court, but with English still remaining the language spoken by the majority. With the new order implemented, it was gradually accepted by the English, and what later followed was very much a blending and interweavement between both languages. Around the end of the twelfth century, those associated with speaking the prestigious language French, started to learn English, and conversely French was commonly seen spoken by those of lower classes. . As a result of the Norman Conquest, the English vocabulary became exerted with strong influences from French. French vocabulary soon found its way into Middle English, with words commonly used by the upper class being assimilated into everyday vernacular English. These included many specialized words from areas of legal,
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