The Importance of School Safety Plans

1939 Words8 Pages
As I am going about my daily routine, trying to clean the house while my kindergartener is attending school, I am pulled to a stop when the phone rings. When I answer the phone, I am surprised by the caller on the other end as it is my daughter’s school principal calling to inform me that there has been an incident of a violent crime on the school grounds. I remember falling to the floor with worry while asking him is my daughter okay and what had happened. As the principal reinsures me that my daughter is fine, but three other students have been injured and on their way to the local hospital, my heart starts to sink to my stomach. An upset fifth grader thought the answer to his problems was to bring a knife to school and attack the students he was fighting with the day before. Since his horrible crime happened in the fifth grade building on the opposite end of campus to where my daughter was attending class. The principal was calling to inform the parents that everything was under control now. So I felt it safe for her to finish out her day. Schools are supposed to be a safe place to send our children, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be some kind of act of violence. According to SEDL: Advancing Research Improving Education (2013), a school crime takes place roughly every six seconds making that over three million assorted crimes that take place each year in America’s85,000 public schools, which is over 2,000 students and about 40 teachers that are physically attacked on school campuses every hour. All schools would benefit greatly by enforcing a school safety plan or guidelines because students tend to learn better when they feel safe, it will ensure a safe learning environment and there will be less violence in schools. Why is school safety so important you might ask? Well, in today’s society that question can simply be answered by taking a look at the

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