The Importance Of Privacy On The Internet

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Your Web Browser Knows A LOT About You If you ever had friends who made fun of you because you were too paranoid about being watched on the internet, you can now laugh at their faces. There are ways to actually know how your browser is tracking your every move on the web, your location, and even what type of CPU your computer has. IMAGE Want to know how you are being monitored online? Then visit these two websites. Aptly named Webkay (which stands for What Every Browser Knows About You), this site gives you a demonstration of all the data your browser collects about you. You can get pretty creeped out about the 'sample' information Webkay shows you, because although the details presented aren't 100% accurate,…show more content…
Privacy is sadly something we now have to fight for and protect. And with the government repealing laws that could have given us some form of online protection, we have to be more proactive in protecting web privacy. IMAGE One option is to use VPNs—virtual private networks. This allows you to route all your traffic through a VPN service. So when your internet provider wants to get a list of all the sites you visited, it will appear that you connected to just one server. Plus, all the data that flows through your VPN channel is encrypted so unauthorized parties can’t access it. This is especially useful when you are using public Wi-Fi. A downside to using this network is you might not be able to use certain websites and services. Another option is to use Tor, a free browser run by a research-education non-profit organization called the Tor Project. Cookies and JavaScript are disabled on Tor by default. Any messages sent through the browser are protected by several layers of encryption. Your traffic is routed through multiple servers around the world, giving you more privacy and anonymity. However, Tor is a bit complex to set up and has a tendency to slow down your internet

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