The Importance of Correct Grammar

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The Importance of Correct Grammar Grammar improves your paper You will get an A Thank you! Writing and listening are essential items to becoming a great linguist. By developing your language skills, you open up barriers to where you would never have imagined being. There is always something new to learn. Remember the following grammar rules: ALWAYS CORRECTLY CITE YOUR SOURCES! THIS WILL HELP YOU AVOID ISSUES WITH PLAGARISM. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU CAPITALIZE ALL SENTENCES AT THE BEGINNING. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER “I” AFTER “E”, EXCEPT AFTER C. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. BY MASTERING THE ESSENTIALS, YOU WILL BECOME SKILLED IN GRAMMAR AND ITS RULES IN NO TIME AT ALL. THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON FOR YOUR LEARNING. WRITING PAPERS IN ENGLISH CLASS IS THE BASIC STEP TO ADVANCING IN COURSES. THERE IS ALWAYS FELLOW COLLEAGUES WHO CAN HELP YOU OUT WITH THIS. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE OF HOW TO WRITE AND/OR IF SOMETHING IS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT, CHECK WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES. There is a reason why rules exist. If you do not follow them, this will lead to poor grades and frustration. I think that grammar is terrible in text messages and Facebook. Some of the replies I’ve read concerning certain issues are just horrendous. We have students submitting papers with “u are late” instead of “you are late”. Stop texting and get off the Internet. Stop writing bad grammar. For your own sake, this will help you in the long run. Thank you for reading my paper. BEST OF

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