The Importance Of Caregiving American Veterans

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Why I appreciate American Veterans? Why I appreciate American veterans? They do everything they can for our country. They are the reason we are alive right now. They risked their lives just for us each day. They had one of the bravest jobs out there. Everyone should be thankful for them over what they have done. Most don’t realize how much they did but they did a lot more than you think a whole lot more. They went out and risked their lives for us every day, can you just imagine doing that? They are the reason we are alive right now and have our freedom. If it wasn’t for them we would be dead. They worked hard just to keep this country running and free. This country would be falling apart if it wasn’t for them. Just think if we didn’t have our army how this world…show more content…
They went out for use knowing they could die. That’s a hero, a real one. I just think how they could manage to do that, they leave their own families just for our country. They only got to call their families or see them twice a year. Imagine being in their position that makes me more thankful for them just to know what they done. They got shot at for us, some even got killed. They have put themselves to danger each day, knowing that they did that for our country is the most amazing thing you could have done. They are the reason we have freedom, how awful would that be? I think it would be pretty awful. If you think how many countries want to harm us but they didn’t because our veterans didn’t let them. They need all the appreciation they can get because they don’t get a lot of money for what they did, I think they should but they don’t. They did so much for us. They come out all bruised, broken bones, and even cut off body parts. Veterans have a huge heart if they went out and risked their lives just for this country and mainly our freedom. They must love this country to risk themselves. This is why I appreciate American

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