Compensation Analysis Paper: United States Military Compensation

1961 Words8 Pages
Introduction Most of us realize the amount of sacrifice the men and women of the armed services give in order to support our country. The time spent away from their families, the continuous deployments to foreign countries (at times third world countries), risking their lives as they fight our country’s wars, are all sacrifices made by these service men and women for being part of our country’s voluntary service. Our government especially realizes what a person forgoes to support the nation, and taking these factors as well as others into consideration they compensate these men and women somewhat appropriately. Of course there is not a price that can be offered for endangering one’s life, but the men and women of the armed services understand this and feel somewhat comfortable with the compensation they receive plus they are doing something they volunteered to do. A military compensation plan is not only appropriate because of the sacrifices these men and women make on a day-to-day basis, but also because these men and women are of real value to the civilian sector. Organizations seek to employ veterans because they know they have been through some of the best technical training, have gained first-rate work experience, and possess some of the best intangible qualities. The military also realize their personnel are highly sought after and losing them will be a significant loss to the organization especially after the investment they have made with the schoolings and training they have provided. When you take this factor into consideration along with the true sacrifices these men and women make the military has formulated a compensation plan to attract new members as well as retain their existing ones. Description of the Plan The service men and women of our country are compensated (paid) on a salary basis. Regardless, if they are on active duty, a reservist,

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