The Importance Of Belonging In Romulus My Father

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Our search to find out who we are is fuelled by a need to find a place in the world where we belong. Through exploration and analysis of the novel Romulus my Father by Raimond Gaita, the picture book Mirror by Jeannie Baker and the animated film Mary and Max my perceptions of belonging have been enhanced and broadened. Each of these texts explores the way in which an individual’s sense of belonging is shaped by a sense of place in their world. Through study of the textual features and techniques employed in these texts I have been able to deepen my understanding of this concept. Notions of belonging in Romulus My Father, a memoir by Raimond Gaita are conveyed through the texts thoughtful and reflective tone. Romulus…show more content…
The figures in both families are seen engaging in conversation with eye contact and hands touching, showing us the togetherness that the families have and portraying a sense of familial belonging. The notions of familial belonging in this book are further emphasised by the technique of framing around the pictures when the families are together, suggesting a sense of safeness within the home. The familial belonging in Mirror contrasts with the lack of familial belonging which Raimond experiences with Christina in Romulus my father. This lack of familial belonging is shown with quote’s by Raimond such as “I felt awkward with her” describing their fractured mother and son relationship. Mirror shows the daily traditions and rituals of the two families. Though vastly different – the Australians shopping in a grocery store and the Moroccan family shopping at an isolated market, they both portray a sense of cultural belonging. Notions of belonging to self are too conveyed in this book with each person appearing to have an individual role within their family and communities with performing their daily
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