The Importance Of Being An Immigrant

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Thank you for letting me review this message for you before you sent it out. While it is a very nice message, unfortunately there are some thing that need to be changed. We have to realize that this group of people, while speaks English, doesn’t quiet understand the slang, and the abbreviations. If you look at the first sentence it already uses the abbreviation “ASAP” as Americans we know what it means which is “as soon as possible”, I as an immigrant myself have to say that if I were to look at that, I wouldn’t understand what it means, I would think that it’s a word, and would be tempted to look it up in the dictionary. That same sentence says “welcome to our little family” these people didn’t come here to join any families they are here to work, and they would…show more content…
The next sentence says “it’s high time we shook hands in person and not just across the sea” First, I am not exactly sure what “it’s high time” is did you mean to say “it’s about time”? second, you are using a figure of speech, because you cant shake hands across the sea. The next sentence says “I am pleased as punch” did you mean to say “I am pleased a bunch”? which by the way you shouldn’t say either, because that is a figure of speech as well, and people that came here won’t understand the concept. The second part of the last sentence also doesn’t make much sense people
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