The Impact of the First World War on Russia

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To What Extent do you Agree with the View that the end of Tsarism was due to the First World War? The Impact of the First World War on Russia and the Tsar was immense. The Russian ‘Steamroller’ suffered disastrous losses at Tannenburg and the Masurian Lakes not to mention the ruinous affect of the war on home Russian soil. The war exacerbated the frustrations of Russian Civilians as the loss of young men working in the country was sorely felt. Food was scarce and prices soared. Middle classes, the proletariat, peasants and ethnic minorities were all dissatisfied with the Tsarist system of Government. All of which led to the fall of the Tsarist Regime. The first sixth months of the war saw both successes and failures. In the early stages of the war the Army saw success at Galacia, but they saw heavy losses at Tannenburg and the Masurian Lakes. The next six months of the war was a disaster for the Russians. They suffered many defeats and were pushed back 200-300 miles, losing Poland, Lithuania and parts of Ukraine. The losses for the Russian army were overwhelming. There were nearly 4 million dead, wounded, captured or missing. Reasons for this was the inefficient ammunition supplies. The army was severely inequiped, out of the six and the half million men mobilised only 4.6 were armed with rifles. In reality soldiers were waiting for their comrades to die in order to fight for their homeland. These losses sparked off political unrest and left the floodgates open for criticism on the incompetence of the Tsar’s government ministers. The Minister of War Vladimir Sukhomlinov and the Grand Duke Nicholas Nicolaievich ,who commanded the army, mutual contempt of each other greatly weakened Russian command. The lack of supply caused political crisis’s which were fuelled by the press. The Middle-classes were filled with criticism. The Tsar responded to this criticism
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