The Impact of Father Son Relationship on the Adult Son

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The Impact of Father Son Relationship on the Adult Son In many cultures coming-of age ceremonies are a sacred and integral part of a young man’s transition into adulthood. Often, times the father or an elder male figure in a young man’s life, assists in the sacred traditions. Father’s are viewed as role models for their adult sons. Every movement or action will be somewhat imitated. If a father displays a maturity level of reasonable standards, an adult son will often follow in his father’s footsteps. According to the article “Imitation, Impersonation, and Transformation: Using Role Models in the Films to Promote Maturity”, by Samuel T. Gladding and Jose Villaba, the authors suggest that, “Finally in transformation the child, adolescent or young adult, become separated from the model figure while valuing and carrying on some of the more salient qualities of that figure” (Gladding, 116). A father’s relationship with their adult son could influence the maturity, self-identification, morals, and financial decisions. The author expresses how adult sons emulate qualities of their fathers, and how the imprint of maturity is left on the sons as well. In the book, Into the Wild, Krakauer describes that the main character grew up to have the same qualities as his father stating that “Both father and son were stubborn and high-strung”(65). Relationship problems sometimes generate from personality similarities and when fathers try to provide unwanted advice, it then tends to cause conflicts. In the Article, “Reflection on the role and significance of fathers in relation to emotional development and learning”, by Heather Geddes, says that “role of parents is to protect their young to maturity and to provide an environment in which the infant/child can develop sufficient emotional and cognitive skills with which to cope with the inevitable demands and challenges of life

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