The Great Depression: Historical Contexts And Literature

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Research Paper: The Great Depression LIB 316 Historical Contexts & Literature The Depression touched every part of economic life and every area of societal life. The Depression produced significant traditional values and goals and became the molding force of the America we live in today. October 29, 1929 was one of the most memorable days on record. It marked the largest crash in the stock market chronicles, and the beginning of the Great Depression that lasted nearly a decade. The stock market crash was the turning point in causing the Great Depression; it was not its only source (McQuarrie, 2009). There were many different factors, beginning with the end of The First World War in 1919. During The First World War, the United States created resources by fabricating and supplying other countries with armaments and foodstuff. Farmers, coal miners, textile workers, and industries were all flourishing from the war. When The First World War came to an end, the farmers, coal miners, and textile workers were the first to feel the effects. Their exports were no longer…show more content…
The men, women, and children who endured those years showed courage, and ingenuity. The Grapes of Wrath gives us a window into the existences of migrant worker families escaping the Dust Bowl in late 1930s America. The National Government undertook a massive program changes. The Great Depression finally waned, and the American people, once again, faced an unprecedented challenge called the Second World War. In 1941, the outbreak of Second World War started. The United States nation changed and went from peacetime to a time of conflict. So one can see that The Great Depression reached into every area of economic life, and thus into every area of social life as well for two main reasons. First, The Great Depression produced significant traditional values and goals. But most importantly, molded America into what we live in

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