Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Review Of The Great Depression

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WHY LIMIT THE PRESIDENTIAL TERMS? From March 4, 1933- December 31, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt took over the powers of presidency and is known as one of the greatest presidents in United States History; he was the only person to serve more than two terms as president. The editors of Noozly say that Franklin D. Roosevelt brought relief to the “tens of millions of unemployed”, recovery by trying to “boosting the economy back to normal” and reform by performing “long-term fixes of what was wrong”, including the financial and banking systems. When looking at Franklin D. Roosevelt not only do people see a man who did many great things for Americans but that he could not have done as much as he did in only two terms. AEI Legislative Analyses quotes…show more content…
The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to the early 1940’s. Jennifer Rosenberg says “…October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed and the official beginning of the Great Depression. As stock prices plummeted…Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock… The stock market quickly became the path to bankruptcy” in her review of The Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt won the election of 1932 and had a plan for the Great Depression called the New Deal. Rosenberg also stated that he “closed all the banks” and let them “reopen once they were stabilized”, made programs like the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration), the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), and the WPA (Works Progress Administration) attempting to “help curb unemployment by hiring people for various projects”(Rosenberg). For Roosevelt’s presidency of a three year term he made these plans for Americans. Although the New Deal did not fix the economy, he did, however, “ease the hardships of the Great Depression” (Rosenberg). She said “The major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into World War II” (Rosenberg). President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that we would join war so with his words we joined a war that turned our economy around. Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt died while World War II was being fought he help out Americans in many different…show more content…
Adam Aigner-Treworgy stated that President Obama said “Over the next two months, our troops in Iraq, tens of thousands of them, will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home” in his review Pres. Obama: "troops in Iraq will definitely be home for the holidays”. By the end of October 2011 there were about “39,000 U.S. troops… in Iraq” and the U.S. had originally wanted to “keep between 3,000 and 5,000 troops in Iraq beyond the end of 2011” (Aigner-Treworgy). Although the president had a full plan for bringing the troops home people in the government, such as, Graham and Rep. “Buck” McKeon made it harder for the U.S. to fully withdraw. They believed that “all we have worked for, fought for, and sacrificed for is very much in jeopardy” and that “full withdrawal of US forces will make that road tougher than it needs to be”. The U.S. went for a plan of about 3,000 to 39,000 people serving in Iraq and with that large of a number and people opposing that the president bring home all troops it can be a big struggle. President Barack Obama is now on his second term; will the next four years of his presidency be enough to finish bringing home all of our
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