The Good Samaritan Laws

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The Good Samaritan Laws A “Good Samaritan” is traditionally thought of as a person who helps others in imminent danger or who have been injured and are in need of assistance. Laws in the United States have come into existence to form guidelines to protect Good Samaritans and also the people being helped by them from danger to themselves and harm unintentionally caused. The goal of a Good Samaritan is of course to provide help and not harm, many times to someone who is a complete stranger. Now Good Samaritan Laws are by no means federal statues, rather they vary by state to state and are enforced differently depending on the state. Virginia for example has a specific law pertaining to women who are actively in labor. Chapter 493 Section 8.01-225 of the Code of Virginia states that an individual who provides medical attention to a woman in the action of labor is protected from any negative repercussions of the law within reason as long as said person (or any person associated with said person) has not previously given medical care to the woman in labor (VIRGINIA "GOOD SAMARITAN" LAW”, 2000). This law also happens to apply to individuals who are licensed medical professionals by the State Board of Health not given compensation prior to or after giving advice concerning an emergency, over a telephone conversation that results in damages to the individual receiving said advice, no matter if the advice directly violates statutes set by the State Department of Health (VIRGINIA "GOOD SAMARITAN" LAW”, 2000). Certain parts of the state of Virginia offer recreational skiing, so the laws regarding Good Samaritans apply as such. States such as Florida that do not have a skiing industry do not have laws pertaining to individuals that seek to help others on the ski slopes. The specific laws of course are also affected by previous civil cases related to Good
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