The Glass Ceiling in Hospitality

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The Glass Ceiling in the Hospitality Industry Prepared for TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE ABSTRACT 2 Introduction….. 4 People of Color 5 Women 6 Barriers 7 Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………….10 Conclusion 11 REFERENCES 12 Abstract The hospitality industry along with other industries have become a part of a new form of discrimination called the “glass ceiling.” Webster defines the “glass ceiling” as a political term used to describe "the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. There is a glass ceiling that prevents minorities from attaining upper level management position in the hospitality business. Although blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians represent 30 percent of the population, they are represented only 3 percent of the senior management positions in American corporations (Gilgoff, 2009). Woman as whole have suffered from this invisible barrier for many years. Being thought of as being the individual who would be more suitable at home with the children. In the 1950’s less than 35 percent of the American women worked outside the home, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The hospitality industry is no different than other industry, women are not found in great numbers in top levels. Of the thirteen hospitality- related companies on the Fortune 500 list, no women held the CEO title in 2012 (Boone, Houran, Veller, 2013). Woman and other minorities are exhibiting a willingness to overcome as many obstacles as possible to reach their career goals. But unfortunately the glass ceiling still exist. There

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