The Genocide In Rwanda

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History of the Genocide in Rwanda As the smallest country in Africa with the largest population, 7 million, Rwanda has had to overcome famine, overpopulation, and, most recently, a massive genocide which reduced their population by a huge amount. The country of Rwanda has had an interesting history due to their two supposed ethnic groups, the Hutus, the majority, and the Tutsis, who consist of about 15-18% of the population. The Tutsis were more prominent in the royalty and hierarchy of the country but most of them were still peasants. The Hutus were the farmers and the Tutsis ran the cattle. During the time of European Colonization, the Belgians came to Rwanda and decided to further the gap between the peaceful Hutus and Tutsis. The Belgians…show more content…
Ethnic tensions heightened quickly. 2,500 UN military officials from all over the world were sent to Rwanda to keep the peace between the Hutus and Tutsis. They were led by General Romeo Dallaire of Canada. The UN officials tried to keep peace as best they could, however the seize fire agreement was threatened by the Interahamwe, a group of extremists for Hutu nationalism who wished to exterminate all of the Tutsis. On April 6, 1994, President Habyarimana’s plane was shot down while returning from a peace meeting with the Tutsi rebels. This horrific event was the catalyst for the Rwandan genocide and gave the Hutu extremists justification to kill the Tutsis, something they had been planning to do; it is possible that Hutu extremists shot down the President’s plane in order to set their plan in motion. That night Hutus told all Rwandans to stay in their homes. Little did the Tutsis know this was so the Hutus could find them and kill them. Hutus marched throughout the country with machetes, guns, grenades, and clubs, brutally murdering both Tutsis and Hutu moderates. The identification cards that had been put into action back in the days of the Belgians were now used to round up the Tutsis. A main tool during the genocide was the radio. The Hutu extremists controlled the radio and used it to play hate propaganda messages telling all Hutus to kill the Tutsis. The…show more content…
This small, privileged group first set the majority against the minority to counter a growing political opposition within Rwanda. Then, faced with RPF success on the battlefield and at the negotiating table, these few power holders transformed the strategy of ethnic division into genocide. They believed that the extermination campaign would reinstate the solidarity of the Hutu under their leadership and help them win the war, or at least improve their chances of negotiating a favorable peace. They seized control of the state and used its authority to carry out the

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