The Forgotten War: The Vietnam War

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In the United States, the war was officially described as a police action owing to the lack of a declaration of war by the US Congress. Colloquially, it has been referred to in the United States as The Forgotten War or The Unknown War. The issues concerned were much less clear than in previous and subsequent conflicts, such as the Second World War and the Vietnam War.[32][33] The war has to a significant degree been "historically overshadowed by World War II and Vietnam".[34] In South Korea the war is usually referred to as the 6–2–5 War (yuk-i-o jeonjaeng), reflecting the date of its commencement on 25 June.[citation needed] In North Korea the war is officially referred to as the Fatherland Liberation War (Choguk haebang chǒnjaeng). Alternately,…show more content…
A month earlier, Colonel Dean Rusk and Colonel Charles H. Bonesteel III divided the Korean peninsula at the 38th parallel after hurriedly deciding (in thirty minutes) that the US Korean Zone of Occupation had to have a minimum of two

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