The Forgotten Group Member

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“The Forgotten Group Member” September 19, 2010 Part I: Group Development There are five stages to the forming of a group that can be recognized. The first stage is forming in which team members get to know each others strengths and weaknesses. In the second stage team members deal with the tensions of the group while defining task for the project, this stage is called storming. Once all tasks have been assigned the group will work together in the norming stage towards their common goal, while still developing their relationships within the group. The group is now ready to present their project or perform their final tasks in the performing stage. Once the performance is complete the group will adjourn and celebrate their accomplishments together in the adjourning stage. In our case study, “The Forgotten Group Member”, we can read that the group has gone through the forming stage by learning each other’s personalities, and also through the storming and norming stages as they try and work together as a group through conflict. At present the group is in the performing stage as they are in their final days of putting together their class presentation. The group leader, Christine, is frustrated with her team mate Mike who has made excuses for not attending meetings and has become disconnected from the rest of the group. Looking back at the incidents within the group Christine should have been able to see the warning signs that Mike would not give a full effort. If Christine had paid attention to the character traits of her team members she may have been able to work with Mike. Knowing that he did not feel the need to attend meetings might have helped her to assign tasks more effectively. Part II: Problem Identification Many of the groups’ problems started in the beginning when they were allowed by the group leader. The primary problem was participation by
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