The Effects Of Methamphetamine

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Have they ever turned on the news to hear about someone on methamphetamine, and wonder how one drug can have such a dramatic effect on one person? Methamphetamine is composed of many chemicals such as battery acid, amphetamine, anhydrous, acetone, and many others, and is a very dangerous drug. Meth also affects a person’s body in many countless ways. It can cause severe dental problems (“meth mouth”), rapid weight loss, it affects how the brain functions, rapid heart rate, or an irregular heartbeat. It can change a person mentally, physically, and emotionally and before they know it, the person they once knew is gone. Methamphetamine is a central nervous stimulant drug that affects the brain. It affects people’s short and long-term memory…show more content…
After the rise of meth consumers had to start giving an ID, name, address, and signature just to obtain the most common cold medicine: Sudafed, which is making the production of meth more difficult. Freon is used as an anesthetic in third world countries. Lighter fluid is used in the cooking process of meth making, which is why so many makeshift labs either blow up or catch fire. Anhydrous ammonia is a colorless gas with a pungent, used primarily as an agricultural fertilizer refrigerant as well as being the key ingredient for meth production in makeshift labs (“Anhydrous ammonia thefts and releases associated with illicit methamphetamine production--16 states, January 2000-June 2004.” 2005). Most of the chemicals used in the making of meth are highly dangerous and extremely flammable. A majority of them also come with warning labels saying harmful if swallowed may burn eyes or skin on contact, seek medical attention and drink a glass of milk or water but do not induce vomiting but yet so many people aren’t reading the warning labels anymore. In 2008, 850,000 Americans age 12 and older had abused methamphetamine at least once in the year prior to being surveyed showing that 1.2% of 8th graders, 1.5% of 10th graders, and 1.2% of 12th graders had abused methamphetamine.(National Survey on Drug Use and Health,, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
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