Neurological Conditions: Migraine

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Running head: NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: MIGRAINE 1 Neurological Conditions: Migraine Katherine G. Flores William Hunter Turner Technical Arts High School NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: MIGRAINE 2 Neurological Condition: Migraine What is Migraine? It’s a condition in which you get an intense headache in one half of your head. This condition is observed among people of all ages. The cause of migraine is still unknown. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels (Worden, 1998-2011). These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain. But migraine is still a condition that is poorly understood (Worden, 1998-2011). Causes Many times we don’t realize that certain things that we eat and do can affect our health. Sometimes the light and smells could have an effect on this disorder but the reasons why are still not known. This has started a series of chemical changes that irritate the pain sensing nerves around the head and causing the blood vessels to expand and leak chemicals which further irritate the nerves (1996-2012). It is stated that migraine runs throughout the families due to their genes. The number one trigger is hormonal changes. Two-thirds of women sufferers only get their headaches around the time of their period. Migraines in women are usually worse around puberty and they tend to disappear around menopause (1996-2012). At times what generates migraine is certain types of foods like; alcohol (especially red wine and beer), tobacco, aged cheeses, chocolate, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods, monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, and caffeine(1996-2012). Other triggers could be

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