The Effects of Media Globalization

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In “The effects of Media Globalization”, Mary Hickman suggests that despite the ease and speed of global communication today, media globalization did not aid in the practice of free speech. I agree as large media corporations now control the mass media market, effectively drowning out the voices of individuals. Media globalization stifle freedom of speech when dominated by multinational media corporations. These corporations, funded by advertisers and some owned by large companies totally unrelated to media, are profit-driven, only broadcasting or publishing content that serves their interests. Free media channels such as Channel 5 by Mediacorp are naturally subsidized by advertisements. It is the interest of these channels to censor content deemed detrimental to their advertisers’ marketing strategy. Failure to do so could result in losing clients, their main source of income. Governments around the world control global media broadcasting as it is a powerful weapon commercially and politically – promoting brands, shaping voter’s mind-sets and pushing national agendas. In Singapore, the broadcasting notification enacted under the Broadcasting Act stipulates that online news websites have to register with the MDA and are obliged to take down content deemed objectionable (Lim, 2013). Governmental control of broadcasting allows it to censor information deemed undesirable. This is more applicable to countries with global media corporations such as CNN in the USA. Censorship by the US government to push their national agenda would have stifled free speech. Media globalization however, has led to the empowerment of individuals in society through the practice of free speech online. The past decade saw the rise of social media as mass protests and revolutions were organised through the usage of social media such as Twitter, most notably in the Syrian civil war and
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