The Discovery of Gold in Native American History

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The Discovery of Gold in Native American History Au 79 is the chemical symbol for an attractive and highly valuable metal of gold. The discovery and use of gold is reported as far back as 5,500 years. Gold has been discovered and mined on all the continents and presently it is estimated that all of the gold that has been refined “could be placed in a cube measuring 20 meters on a side” (Jefferson Lab, n.d.). Gold was used by many early civilizations as a trading material and a symbol of wealth. In the history of Native Americans the discovery of gold on their land caused great tragedies and devastation and became a significant factor of Native American history. Native Americans were invaded by European explorers who took their land and built the United States we have now. Europeans were driven to North American to seek freedom from the European rulers. They went through the many struggles of long travel, adapting to new environments and dealing with the native populations. As a result of European settlement, many populations of Native Americans were brought to near extinction. The hunger for a new and free word had blinded Europeans’ humanity towards the Native Americans that had lived in these lands for hundreds of years from the Atlantic to the Pacific in harmony and respect of their lands. The discovery of gold was of the most important factors that promoted violence against the Native Americans. When gold was discovered in California in 1848 it initiated a large amount of migrant traffic across the North American continent. This large influx of Americans brought more diseases to the Native Americans that devastated their tribes with great number of deaths. Traveling across the country for the California gold, Americans infected the Native Americans with cholera, measles, and scarlet fever. The resulting deaths added to the toll of Indian deaths
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