The Dew Breaker Guilt Quotes

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Guilt is a very big part of human conscience (except on Monday’s which have been proved by statistics as the most guilt-ridden day for most workers.) Many people tend to feel guilty about something that they have done rather it be in secret or out in the open. In Danicat’s novel “The Dew Breaker”, guilt is a demon that hunts a man that tries to run away from a dark past. The guilt that Ka’s father has about the past could never leave him alone due to all the evil deeds he had committed on innocent people. Ka’s father tries to hide his identity throughout the novel because he does not want his past to catch up with his present life. Ka never understood why her father always changed where in Haiti he came from. It was not until he confuses to Ka everything that he did as a Dew Breaker that it all makes sense, “Mr. Fonteneau asks my father he is from in Haiti, and my father lies. In the past, I thought he always said he was from a different province each time because he’d really lived in all those places, but I realize now that he says this to reduce the…show more content…
Ka’s father believed that it if he lived a good life the past would not affect him and that he could live at peace but that was not the case. Even though he looked different he himself would always know about all the evil actions he had committed. By changing his identity he wanted to give himself and his family a fresh start but there was a bigger fear in that he would get catch that led his wife to decide never to bring him to Mass with her again. The victims of the Dew Breaker were so affected by what had happened to them that they lived in fear that he would find them and even after they had found him, they could not find it in their hearts to hurt him. The Dew Breaker committed evil crimes but at the end, it was himself that caused him pain because he could never redo the

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