The Courtroom and the Courthouse

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The courthouse and courtroom is where all legal proceedings take place from criminal to civil cases. Many people work together to make sure the activities in the court are taken care. In a courthouse you see police transporting prisoners, prosecutors, lawyers, secretaries, civilians, etc. Without these people working together the courthouse would probably not function. I will explain some of the roles of some people who work at the courthouse and their roles in the courtroom. I will explain the roles of Sheriff’s deputies, prosecutors, translators, pretrial services, and witnesses in the courtroom and courthouse. The Sheriff’s deputies main duties are to transport prisoners to and from the court. Sometimes deputies are instructed to stay in the courtroom to provide security to the defendant on high profile cases. In some instances deputies also act as witnesses to testify on behalf of the state. The prosecutor is one of the most important people in the courtroom. He or she is the government official who represents the government and conducts all criminal proceedings. The prosecutor is responsible for presenting a case in court against a person who is suspected of breaking the law. The prosecutor also interrogates witnesses in hearings and criminal trials. In every court proceeding where non-English speaking witnesses are called to testify the court must provide a court translator. The translator’s main role is to translate to the witness and the court questions being asked to the witnesses and their responses. The prosecutor and defense attorneys will direct the translator a question and he or she will then translate what was asked to the witnesses and vise versa. This will give the court reporter the opportunity to record everything that is said in the courtroom. Another important person in a courtroom is the pretrial services personnel. They will testify and

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