The Comparison Of The Romanticism

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The Comparison of the Romanticism And Harlem Renaissance Art Period By September 18, 201 Throughout History, Art has often been the illustration to the current events of the time. I have found that Art movements have either gone against a certain political climate or accompanied a certain political or cultural ideal; it was almost like the news channel of the past. Certain Artist would show the region they were painting in a good light, and be in agreement to their culture, other Artist however would create in a protest to their current cultural situation. I chose The Romantic Art Period and the Harlem Renaissance period because although they were separated by almost two hundred years, the artist of both periods created art for the same purpose of showing an honest, or often unpopular political view of both generations. There is a vast difference in the cultural and political climate of the 1700’s and the 1920’s as many may know, but my interest is in the remarkable similarities that artist share, even over such a large time-span. In this essay I will be comparing the Romanticism and the Harlem Renaissance art periods. The Romanticism art period was created in the eighteenth century and ends around 1870. Romanticism often has the perception of being involved with Romance; however Romanticism is far less affiliated with Romance and much more about Nationalism and pride in individual opinion in culture. Since the Romantic period was around the time of the revolutionary period. Political stances where taken seriously by all citizens, and the Romantic artist were often very interested or involved in the political climate. The works of the Romanticism period were reflected in the social issues of the revolutions. The artists of the Romantic period were often noted

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