The Causes and Effects of Ebola Virus

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Ebola Virus Effects At the development stage of the Ebola virus, the patients will have what its called Diarrhea Pharyngitis, or the inflammation of the throat. This is also accompanied by the inflammation of the eye’s mucous membranes (Conjunctivitis) plus abdominal pains and vomiting. When the infection attacks, it causes severe damage to the skin. Small white blisters will develop in the skin, along with red spots referred to as maculopapular rash. These spots will progress into becoming bruises as the skin becomes pulpy in texture. Rips will randomly appear as blood easily pours out. The skin is so weak that it easily tears with any movement of the patient. These manifestations will be followed by the skin beginning to liquefy and die. Each skin opening in the body will bleed, no matter how minuscule it is—even needle punctures. The surface of the tongue will begin to take on a brilliant color red, which will eventually slough off. It may even be spat out or swallowed. Loosening of the tongue’s surface may be a result of vomiting. The virus is known to be systemic, which means the infection attacks every tissue and organ of the body except the skeletal muscles and bones. The virus is also characterized by hemorrhaging and blood clotting. Although it is yet to be discovered how the virus attacks human cells, it is hypothesized that they are able to release certain proteins that can weaken the responses of the body’s immune system. The virus can even attack the connective tissues that are rapidly multiplying in collagen. Collagen is responsible for keeping the organs in place, and the virus destroys and digests such tissues. It also causes blood clots in the bloodstream, so the blood thickens and the blood flow weakens. These clots tend to get stuck in the blood vessels, which in turn causes the red spots on the skin. As the disease progresses, the

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