The Bridegroom Essay

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The Price of Freedom Communism is a popular topic in my family. My parents are from Vietnam, a country that had lost itself to Communist rule after the fall of Saigon in 1975. My parents fled their homeland on a small boat in hopes of escaping Communist rule and finding freedom in foreign lands. I’ve grown up hearing stories of how the “Viet Cong” brutally beat harmless civilians because they didn’t conform to Communist ideas or because they were not obedient. Even the careless act of expressing your opinions could get you beaten to death, if your opinions did not concur to Communist ideals. In Ha Jin’s “The Bridegroom”, Jin shows us how conformity and obedience can hold us back and keep us from living a life true to our beliefs. He exemplifies the hardships of living under Communist rule and the price one is willing to pay for “freedom”. Through examining the characters of “The Bridegroom”, Jin shows us how individuals in society deals with the issues of obedience and social conformity. Jin shows us the lifelong struggles that one may have with obedience and conformity through the character of Baowen. Baowen has been hiding his homosexuality for years. In his younger years he learned kung fu to cover up his femininity. He later married Beina to further hide his secret. Baowen hides his sexual orientation because he fears getting in trouble with the State; he fears being an outcast at the factory and in society. He wants to conform, but he also wants to be true to himself, so he seeks closure with a club called Men’s World. It was here that he was able to conform while living true to himself. Baowen lives a life that is obedient and conformatory on the Baowen is a homosexual, but he hides his sexual orientation from everyone, including his mother. He knows that by being a homosexual, he is not obeying his mother, obeying the government authority, nor is he
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