The Big Lie: The Cambodian Genocide

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Cambodian Genocide It all started with a lie. One simple little killed almost two million people. Khmer Rouge soldiers told Cambodian citizens to evacuate their house at once and to flee to the countryside. The Khmer Rouge soldiers told the citizens that American B-52 fighter planes were coming to bomb them. The citizens of course listened and when some turned around to retrieve something they forgot or refused to go they were shot. It was soon later that the citizens of Cambodia soon realized that there were no B-52 fighter planes and that the Khmer Rouge soldiers had their prisoner’s right where they wanted them. Before the Khmer Rouge came into power the French were in charge of the government but then in the 1953 Cambodia gained their indecency under the rule of Prince…show more content…
That’s when the Khmer Rouge told all the citizens the big lie. The idea of the big lie was taken from Hitler who once explained the purpose of such a massive lie. “The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed…for the vast masses are…more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one.” None were spared in this event no matter the physical condition. For the Khmer Rouge had a slogan that went “To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss.” Now that the Cambodians were contained in the countryside, the Khmer Rouge started separating children from their parents and sending them to labor camps. Pol Pot had a theory that anybody that was an intellectual, educated, or simply just knew another language had to be murder because he feared a revolt against them. So many teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers and other professionals were killed together along with their

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