The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana

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The use of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) for the legitimate purpose of treating certain circulatory diseases and for pain relief has been debated consistently since the 1920s, when a campaign was launched by the Federal Government to promote the dangers of marijuana use. To a great degree, drug policy in America has been irrational, based more on fear than evidence. The federal government is dedicated to its policy on prohibiting the use of medical marijuana, ignoring all the evidence of the tremendous medical value and its many therapeutic benefits. Legislators and drug enforcers are not physicians and should not substitute their belief system for demonstrable scientific studies showing that medical marijuana does indeed benefit patients. The…show more content…
Marijuana, a drug that has been studied for many decades, provides for a very heated argument. No longer is it seen solely as a hallucinogen, but some claim that it is miracle drug for chemotherapy and glaucoma patients. However, no legitimate medical organizations see marijuana as a safe and effective medicine. Society is also aware of the harmful and long-term effects of the drug, and therefore are strongly opposed to it s legalization. It also has many diverse therapeutic benefits that have been proven to treat certain illnesses worldwide. The therapeutic properties of marijuana come from the numerous chemicals found in the leaves, buds, and resin of the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant, commonly called hemp, is also well known for the value of its fiber and pulp from the stalk as well as the highly nutritional seed oil. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences, at the request of the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and the director of the National Institutes of Health, agreed to conduct a review and analysis of health-related effects of marijuana, findings recognized marijuana's therapeutic potential in decreasing the intraocular pressure for glaucoma patients, controlling the severe nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, acting as an anticonvulsant, relaxing muscles and thus counteracting…show more content…
Medical marijuana would be a great providing source and better alternative than costly medication that intoxicates the individual rather than aiding in fixing the problem. Medical marijuana is not the negative drug that the federal government portrays it as, and should be shown to our nation for what it really can do for our social life and economy if put to its proper use. When considering the legalization of this drug, we cannot only think of the long-term effects, but we must also think of the immediate effects it will impose upon America s
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