The Beatitude Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

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“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” The Second Beatitude v4 I chose this Beatitude because I can understand how this applies to me personally as well as everyone around me. I see how easy it is to take forgiveness for granted. The mourning Jesus is talking about is not the sadness we feel when someone dies but the pain we feel when we recognize, through the power of the Holy Spirit that we have sinned. To mourn is to repent. When I humble myself to God, He will comfort me. What this Beatitude means to me is that no matter what hardships we have created for ourselves, we will be comforted when we repent and put our faith in the Lord. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 7:10 “For sadness in a Godly way makes for repentance that leads to salvation. When we put our faith in material things, alcohol or drugs, even other people, we not only hurt ourselves but also those around us. Most importantly, we hurt our Father who loves us unconditionally. These pleasures are temporary and their artificial happiness never lasts. I think this Beatitude shows us how to deal with life’s misery, overwhelming sadness and despair that our “false gods” create. Only when we truly mourn our foolish choices and recognize the sins all around us, can we begin to understand Divine comfort. I think the story of the Prodigal Son or Lost Son, in Luke 15, is a perfect example of this Beatitude. The younger of two sons asks his father for his inheritance before he has a right to it. His father gives it to him and the son takes the money and wastes it on sinful things. When the money runs out and a famine hits the country he falls from the top to the very bottom. Only when he is starving and completely out of resources does he come to his senses. He realizes how foolish he has been to throw away everything and end up miserable. Because he is honest with himself and

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