The Battered Child Syndrome

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Domestic violence is a sensitive and unfortunately, growing issue all around the world. There are men and women experiencing domestic violence on a daily basis. Domestic violence consist of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. There are even children who are victims in domestic violence or disputes. In some cultures woman are subjected by law to abide the rules and living conditions provided by their spouse, solely based on their vow to obey and honor. In a lot of cases domestic violence becomes fatal incidences, but for the most part it is a reoccurring even in people's everyday lives. Studies have shown that victims, mainly woman, don't speak up about what they're are going through because they fear the…show more content…
propose that physicians be required to report child abuse. According to the National Association of Counsel for Children, by 1967, after Kempe et al.'s findings had gained general acceptance among health and welfare workers and the public, forty-four states had passed legislation that required the reporting of child abuse to official agencies, and the remaining six states had voluntary reporting laws. This was one of the most rapidly accepted pieces of legislation in U.S. history. Initially, only doctors were required to report all forms of suspected abuse and either require or permit any citizen to report child abuse. One of the reasons for the lack of prosecution of early child abuse cases was the difficulty in determining whether a physical injury was a case of deliberate assault or an accident.In the latter part of the twentieth century, however, doctors of…show more content…
Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone. I agree. I believe that mistreating stems from a number or sources and have great effect on the way you live your life. As stated before, domestic violence not only happens all over the world, but in some areas it is "normal" behavior. Women are submissive to a man's needs and wants, and if a man is denied, women are punished, often severely, for not Page 8 acting or doing things the way the husband say. Domestic violence is an issue that even if surveyed daily, wouldn't have accurate results to the seriousness
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