The Banking Concept Of Education

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KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY TO DISCIPLINE! Is knowledge or education really the key to discipline? Education as a whole teaches us to be disciplined. Paolo Freire in his writing “The banking concept of education” talks about two ways in which education systems function; banking concept and problem posing. These methods show that education often teaches discipline not subject. Berger on the other hand taught to look at work of art through his writing in “Ways of seeing”. In his writing Berger talks about the distortion of reality once the image is captured into a picture and reproduced. He explains and argues about the way we look at things and how it affects our knowledge of it. At the same time, Bordo explores the male body in her book Beauty (Re) Discovers Male Body where she educates her readers on the gender norms. Foucault in his writing of Panopticism talks about the idea of self-discipline between individuals and the way inmates are treated in prison. According to Freire, Berger, Bordo and Foucault, the main focus of how we react and behave relates to education and our way of interpreting things. From Freire’s point of view education is a way of disciplining and controlling the way people behave. “Narration (with the teacher as narrator) leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated account. Worse yet, it turns them into "containers," into "receptacles" to be "filled" by the teachers.” Freire Believes that students are like empty containers that are filled with knowledge provided by the teacher thus, the students have no choice but to accept and memorize the knowledge provided by their teacher. The banking model educates students in a way that student do not get any opportunity to communicate with the teacher, but in problem posing the students have the opportunity to interact with the teacher which leaves room for arguments therefore, making

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