The Appendicular Skeleton - Hassan's Story

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AP2530-Thu@9am 1|Page UNIT 5 CASE STUDY 1: The Appendicular Skeleton HASSAN’S STORY Read pp. 230, 231, & 236 Answer questions A thru I A. Which clue would tell Stefan which scapular surface was anterior and which was posterior? What is the name of the shallow, oval socket of the scapula that Stefan placed next to the humerus? i) POSTERIOR: there is a prominent ridge (spine) that runs diagonally across the surface of the scapula. ANTERIOR: this surface is slightly hollowed out area. ii) The oval socket that has a shallow depression is the Glenoid cavity. B. Which bone is Stefan referring to as “collarbone”? The clavicle is also referred to as the collarbone is a slender, s-shape. This bone is a long bone that serves as a strut between the scapula and the sternum. C. Which surface markings could Stefan use to distinguish the right humerus from the left? Stefan was able to distinguish easily between the right humerus and left using their obvious landmarks: the head, deltoid tuberosity, and olecranon fossa. D. Why would Stefan think that an enlarged right deltoid tuberosity might indicate righthandedness? Handedness is the tendency to use one hand over the other. Theory states that the use of one hand will cause increased growth in length and greater development of muscle attachment sites on the upper limb bones on the side with greater use. Stefan thought that an enlarged right deltoid tuberosity might indicate right-handedness because the deltoid tuberosity serves as a point of attachment for the tendons of the deltoid muscle. Depending on which hand you are more dominant with would show more indication of prominent use by being larger. E. What is the location of the pubic symphysis Stefan refers to in the story? The pubic symphysis is located between the left and right pubic bones of the median plane.

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