“That Which Is Accepted as Knowledge Today Is Sometimes Discarded Tomorrow” Consider Knowledge Issues Raised by This Statement in Two Areas of Knowledge

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Theory of Knowledge Essay “That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow” Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge. The knowledge issue I will look at is to what extent can it be said that today’s knowledge will sometimes be discarded tomorrow. I will try to address this knowledge issue by looking at areas of knowledge of history and biology. I think the key knowledge issue is what makes knowledge acceptable in the first place. What is it that makes us think what we are being told is true? Much of what we believe is true we believe on the base of authority, as it is often the authority that tries to decide what should be accepted by the society. However, as time passes our knowledge changes and what we thought was correct for 50 years ago may change because of new discoveries. History and biology is essential as events in history may change how we view other religions, cultures and countries. Biology on the other hand, may affect our knowledge about the world, which in some cases may be a revolution and it may lead to massive changes in how we conduct our lives. Religion is shared among millions across the world and it can for it followers interpret the meaning of life and give guidance on how to live your life well. There is some religion that follows a stricter pathway than others, and two religions worth comparing is Christianity and the Islamic faith. Christianity has been an important part of history since Jesus birth in year 0 A.C and long before that, where the Bible has been and is cherished and praised worldwide. However, the Christian faith has been through constant changes because of the development our world have encountered. Strict living conditions where one stayed faithful towards God, the Bible and church was highly important in earlier years, but have in the last centuries

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