Television Impact On Presidential Elections Essay

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Television has had a positive impact on how the presidential elections have set a course for the future since the 1960s, and in several various ways. The implementation of television into political affairs has not only allowed an opportunity for the people of America to obtain a clearer view of whom it is they’re allowing to lead the country as president, but also the ability to hold presidential candidates accountable for their actions, both in the past and present; resulting in an increased vetting of the candidates. During a campaign, it is historically evident that a candidate will discuss an irrelevant topic, yielding no beneficial value, in an attempt to appease his or her surrounding audience. The television allows people of all age groups to see for themselves what the presidential candidate has to say, allowing for no biased presidential elections. An example of this is President Lyndon Johnson’s 1968 reelection campaign. (Source E) LBJ announced to the public that he advocated the continuation of the Vietnam War was the right decision, as the United States was “Winning.” Because of Television, the public, including Walter Cronkite, a reporter for CBS was able to confirm the invalidation of LBJ’s said proclamations, by announcing that “The war had become a…show more content…
“Because of Television’s sense of intimacy, the American people felt they knew their presidents.” (Source B) Because of this intimate sense the people have established with the presidential candidates, the use of party guidance is no longer necessary, as more and more people no longer feel the need to use it. (I.e. Democrat and Republican
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