Television Addicts Essay

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Television addicts are people who will watch all the programs they can, for as long as they can, without doing anything else. TV addicts, first of all, will watch anything on the tube, no matter how bad it is. In addition, addicts watch more hours of TV than normal people do. Finally, addicts feel that TV is more important than other people or any other activities that might be going on. First, heavy television viewing is just as harmful as drugs or alcohol. For example, a television addict will block out the entire world just to sit and watch a show that’s on. Another reason why some television shows are harmful is because some promote harmful acts. For example, a TV show called “Jersey Shore” is telling viewers that you should be tan to look good. In addition to that, the whole cast smokes cigarettes and they are heavy drinkers. That may cause a younger viewer to start bad habits. Also, another TV show “Teen Mom,” has a bunch of young girls that have children and shows how they deal with their life on a daily basis. The show basically tells young females that it is ok to have a child at a young age. Some parents do not approve of their children watching these kinds of TV shows because they think it will corrupt them. For example, my friend used to watch the TV show Jersey Shore nonstop and his mom made him stop watching it because she thought that it was a bad influence on him. Also, TV addicts would sit in for hours on end on watching their favorite shows, and that can be unhealthy in many different ways. For example, I know of a person that used to go to the gym all the time and he just stopped because a new TV show started. Next, sometimes watching too much TV also causes the addict to start neglecting the people around him. For example, if the addict is watching their show, he may block out everybody around him just to focus on the show. In addition, this

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