Technology Influences Writing

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Technologies influence on writing Due to technology, the quantity of student writing has boomed over the last few years. Is the increase of technology helping or harming students’ writing skills? The article, “The New Literacy,” written by Clive Thompson, states that technology isn’t butchering student’s ability to write, but reviving it. Digital technology is reviving students writing by exposing them to write and read more, to constantly learn, and to write to and audience of their preference. Thanks to Facebook, blogging sites, and other social networks, students today are writing more than ever before. Every day, students are always texting, updating statuses, writing a new blog post or writing reviews for TV shows. Not only does digital technology expose students to more writing, it also exposes them to read more. Reading more exposes students to different styles of writing, more vocabulary and sentence structures. Reading more will help improve students’ basic writing mechanics. Now writing is accessible for everyone and the more exposure and more writing people do the better they will get at it. Not only has the quantity of writing increased but also the quality of the writing is improving. Not only does digital technology improve the quantity of students’ writing but also it pushes students to constantly learn and improve their writing skills. The more students write the more they learn. Whether it is a new form of slang, better quality of writing, or more about the subject they love writing about. In order for students to be persuasive and powerful in their writing, they need to learn more about the subject they are talking about and improve their grammar so that their writing can sound more fluid. Digital technology is helping students because in order for their blogs or their reviews for TV shows or movies to be read, the students’ writing needs
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