Technique of a Coach Unit 5

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Technique of a coach Here I will list 3 technique used by coach Observation and analysis What is it? This is when they analyse athletes and team performance in order to highlight area of improvement. Why is it important? It is important because it identify athlete’s need. With doing this you can then develop a training programme to improve your athlete’s performance. How does Performance Analysis help athletes? To achieve repeated success coaches and athletes must know and understand what they have done to make them successful/unsuccessful. Coaches and athletes spend a great deal of time thinking about how you can improve, or trying to understand the elements that make up a good performance. Many coaches rely on what they observe in real-time to inform their coaching decisions. Research shows that coaches can, on average, recollect around 40% of key performance factors that they had actually seen. In terms of the coaching process, if the observation of performance is limited then the rest of the process is then in question. That’s why Performance Analysis can be extremely beneficial. Benefits for athletes * Improved technical and tactical knowledge * Improved decision making * Improved confidence Benefits for coaches * Assists in understanding of athletes strengths & weaknesses * Enhances their own development and coaching practice * Enables in-depth review of performance The Performance Analysis (PA) team at SINI go beyond the traditional methods of analysing video. Using advanced performance analysis software, athletes and coaches will have a greater understanding of performance, allowing them make better decisions about their training and interventions. Example 1 SINI has provided performance analysis support to wheelchair basketball athletes for quite a number of years. The continuing goal when working with any of our

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